Saturday, March 31, 2007

Been a while since I posted, so here are some updates probably only of interest to those who know me (though maybe not even to them.J)

I'm working hard to finish up our large project for a client. It's an online ordering app for a customer that only their distributors can get to. It's been a fun app to create, though I can't wait to get it down and on to other things. We're about ready to move it live in a beta mode for those lucky few. I still have some things to clean up, a few pages that need completed and a backend admin type smart client that the customer can run from their end, though this isn't a complete necessity and we can probably hold off on that a bit if need be.

Next we're starting up another online ordering project for another client. This one will be open to the public to purchase their product so we will be accept credit cards and dealing with those issues. Right now we're in the design phase and deciding whether to use a 3rd party shopping cart or develop one ourselves. This app will have some special needs so a cart will either have to be very flexible or open source.

My partner's and I met yesterday to discuss taking on a very large project (initial talks reveal somewhere around 1000 hour project). This looks to be a very exciting opportunity and we're not willing to pass it up, though the timing could have been better. We're going to do the requirements phase of the project and once that is done we and the customer will see how we stand in regards to the length of the project and their deadlines. Once there we will have to decide how to handle.

We also have 3 or 4 smallish websites (20-30 hours) to do in the next two months or so. There's nothing like keeping busy.

Looking at this, we have reached a point where we may need to bring some people on board with us, either in a subcontractor role or perhaps, for the right person, as an employee.

If you live in northeast Ohio and are interested in a subcontracting role, please forward on your information to me (Jason at malachicomputer dot com).

Dave G….give me a call sometime (or an email will do) if you're interested in some side work, I have some for you.

Saturday, March 31, 2007 9:31:41 AM (Eastern Daylight Time, UTC-04:00) | Comments [0] | Misc#
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