Tuesday, December 19, 2006

OK....been gone too long from here.  Working as an independent consultant can be great if you have the right attitude.  Most people I know think that because I have my own business and work for myself, that I have all kinds of free time and still make tons of money.  I don't help that perception, because I do use my flexibility and take time off during the days to do family things.  However, what most people don't realize is that I tend to work more hours now than when I had a normal 8-5 job.  My work is always with me and always on my mind.  While I can take time off during the day sometimes, I often work late into the evening after the kids are in bed to make up for lost time.  While there are days I can take off, one phone call can change all that in a heartbeat when a client calls with an emergency.  But I wouldn't change it for the world.  I love what I do, love the clients I work for, and enjoy the challenges that come to me most every day.

Now it's time to take the business to the next level.  This new year will see us exploring new avenues and ways to expand and grow our business, all the while taking nothing away from our quality of service for our existing clients.  It looks to be an exciting and challenging 2007.

Look for this new year to bring more posts here to this blog.  I've been working on a few new projects that have pushed me to learn a number of new techniques and processes.  I hope to expound on those in the coming months in some technical posts.  I also plan on posting our steps and progress as we move into the next phase of Malachi Computer. 

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 8:53:16 AM (Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00) | Comments [0] | Misc#
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