Thursday, February 01, 2007

Boy I'm glad this week is almost over…ready for a quiet weekend of relaxation. Oh wait….got a lot going on this weekend too, never mind.

  • Whoops!! This doesn't affect me, but I could imagine it would suck pretty badly if it did.
  • I've never been a big user of Outlook's notes. Oh sure, I keep an occasional bit of information, but I usually tend to forget it's there and it languishes there for all time. Well here's a novel idea for using the notes to help you learn any subject. Repetition does well for me. I do well to read things over and over and it will stick with me.
  • I'm sure everyone can use a bit of tune-up from time to time on their financial health. I'm notorious for reading about new techniques or ideas , but never really implementing. Perhaps this guide to fix your finances in 31 days will be useful and something easy to implement. We shall see.
  • Another HanselMinutes on one of my favorite subjects, PowerShell. Haven't had a chance to really sit down and listen yet, but I'm sure it will be a good one.
  • While we're on the subject of PowerShell, here's an interesting article on creating providers for PowerShell. An interesting read.
Thursday, February 01, 2007 9:34:38 PM (Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00) | Comments [0] | Midnight Snack | Powershell#
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