Thursday, January 18, 2007

Went to my son's 6th grade band concert.  Love watching my kids do about anything, whether it's sports (he's quite the athlete, didn't come from me) or his music, I just love these things! 

  • 7Zip In Memory Compression C# Code - I've been wanting to switch to 7Zip for awhile.  I purchased WinZip a few years back and it has worked well, but 7Zip has intrigued me.  Now with this SDK, perhaps I should take a closer look.
  • TryParse() - Here's another one I like to use alot.  I'm always on the lookout for code that simplifies my code.  Very nice addition to 2.0
  • Start and Stop Services - This is here more for my own info.  I have used this a few times in the past and always spend a few minutes looking this I'll know exactly where it is.
  • As a small MicroISV myself, good the hear Scott talk about it on his latest Hanselminutes.  Another nice place, though it hasn't been updated in a while, is
  • Blog about your favorite developer tool tomorrow.  I've got so many, I'll have to think which one I would like to highlight.
  • The front-runner for my favorite tool blog post, Resharper, has just released an update.  Nice to see a quick update to fix some stuff.  Looking forward to the next major update.
  • <begin soapbox>Watch the price of gas creap back up if this gets signed into law.  Don't forget that most any tax placed on business, get's passed right back to the who ends up paying these extra taxes?  Yep, you and I, the ones the Dems say they are trying to help.</begin soapbox>


Thursday, January 18, 2007 11:37:05 PM (Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00) | Comments [0] | Midnight Snack#
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