Friday, May 08, 2009
A few weeks back I read about the Code and Coffee meetup in the Columbus Ohio area that Jeff Blankenburg mentioned.  Sounded like a great idea to put together for those of located in the Stark County region in Northeast Ohio.  Darrell Mozingo expressed an interest in at as well and helped to get this first one organized.

What is the purpose of this?  To get together for some great coffee (or other preferred morning beverage) and do some pairing in the hopes of pushing the comfort zone and learning some new stuff.  Our hopes are to keep this very informal and casual with really no agenda, just working on some things that are interesting and helping us all grow.  Idea is to pair, so no need to bring laptop if you don't have one, just come and we'll all hopefully learn something.

First meetup for the Stark County Code and Coffee will be Friday May 15th at the Canton Arabica on Dressler in Belden.  We'll be there at 7am and try to get the old brain functioning that early.  Since everyone is busy, we'll try to keep this to about an hour so most anyone can be back to work by 8:30.  I'm an independent so there is a great possibility that I may stick around longer, so if you can too, we'll keep on working. 

Unless we come up with something better, we'll probably keep this first one to more of a meet and greet to see where everyone's interest lies.  But we'll pretty much play it by ear and just wing it.

If you're interested or have any more questions, contact either myself or Darrell.  Otherwise, we hope to see you there!

Friday, May 08, 2009 11:43:31 PM (Eastern Daylight Time, UTC-04:00) | Comments [1] | Code and Coffee#
Thursday, June 11, 2009 12:55:23 PM (Eastern Daylight Time, UTC-04:00)
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