Tuesday, 09 May 2006

Been a long time since I've found a few seconds to post here.  I need to just make the time.....As a independent, I have my slow times and busy times.  Well for the past few months, it seems that all my projects that I've been quoting out for the last year have all been pushed to the forefront by my clients and they all want them now.  I've been subcontracting out some of my smaller websites just to get them out of the way, but more keep coming in.  I just received a phone call today from a client whom I met with almost 2 years ago (when I was very slow and needed the work) who finally is wanting to pull the trigger and build their website.  It's either feast or famine....but I sure like being busy like this!!!

Tuesday, 09 May 2006 15:05:44 (Eastern Daylight Time, UTC-04:00) | Comments [0] | Misc#
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