Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I don't blog much, but I do try and do a recap of my past year and set my goals for the following year.  Here we are on the 13th of January (happy 11th birthday to my daughter) already and it's high time I get to work on this post.

Recap of 2008
As always, first a few highlights from 2008.

  • While I'm still human and falter like anyone, my faith in Jesus Christ has grown stronger throughout the year.
  • Secondly, another awesome year with my wife and best friend of 16 years.
  • Thirdly, the joy that my four children bring me.  Aged 13 through 3, they keep us moving, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
  • While business wasn't quite as good as 2007, I'm still very thankful that 2008 was a success and I still am amazed that I have my own business doing something I truly love each and every day.
  • While I seemed to have more health issues this past year (I seemed to be suffering from a constant cold or something all year long and the doctor put me on blood pressure meds), I did manage to lose around 30 pounds over the last year, going from 230 to hovering around 200 now.  This came about from being sick, but also from eating healthier and doing a bit of excercise.

Looking forward to 2009
Looking forward to 2009, my goals are not much different from last year.

  • Once again I strive to become more like Christ each and every day and by doing so become a much better husband and father.
  • I refuse to participate in any recession and intend to work smarter this year.  I believe I can grow my business this year and I fully intend to do so.  I believe there is opportunity in any economic environment and believe that it is I (or any individual), not the government, that will bring the economy out of this down cycle.
  • Develop more tools and products that I can either offer up for download or perhaps sell.
  • I tend to read around 20-30 books a year (reviews blogged at www.wordsforwords.com).  This year I want to push that to 30-40.
  • Blog more here and in my other blogs (Words For Words and Lautz of Thoughts)
  • Assist my wife in getting a business idea that we have for her off the ground and moving to being profitable.
  • Continue to work on getting in shape.  Last year I started with 100 pushups program and began training for marathon (as described here).  The marathon thing fell by the wayside as winter set in, but this spring I intend to get back to it.  I may never run a marathon, but I want to work towards that goal.
  • In general, I want to just enjoy life each day and live each day to it's fullest. 


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 4:01:47 PM (Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00) | Comments [0] | Other#
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